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One crazy cold morning I met up with my friend, Albert to shoot the sunrise. I remember the day before I heard on the radio that we were expecting a lot of fog and obviously I got really excited and told Albert about it. The weather can be so finicky because I woke up the next morning to one of the clearest skies ever! I’m so sorry Albert I made you get out of bed so early in the morning! Plus it was crazy cold and windy. It was probably one of the shortest sunrise sessions I’ve ever had. 20 minutes and I was back in my car.

But as we were about to leave, I noticed the beautiful light that was coming from the front of the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial. I asked Albert to stand right at the light ray and I love the way that this turned out. It’s so simple with the little pop of “warm” light. But I think my favorite part is the overall cool-ness to the image. I love how blue and cold it feels because that’s exactly what it felt like being there. Remember how I was saying this is a composition I wanted to keep on working on? Click here to read my previous post about the MLK Jr Memorial. 

To be honest though it’s not exactly what I had intended from the original post. It’s a little bit closer to what I had in mind and I’m still very happy with it. I’m going to keep at it until I get it exactly how I envision it.

Did I mention it was crazy cold that morning? LOL.

The camera settings for this image is F7.1 at 1/125th of a second at ISO 125 with my Sony A7II and 16-35mm wide angle lens.

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I didn’t take this image this past Saturday, I took it a couple years ago but it is still one of my favorite snow images I’ve taken.  There are so many things going on in this image but its still so simple. I love the white on white tonality. I also really enjoy how you can barely see the Washington Monument. But my favorite part is seeing the little bit of reflection on the floor surface of the Lincoln Memorial with the little puddles of water and snow blocking the entirety. I think it’s little details like that make the image so interesting to look at.

But what do you think? Would you rather have one more good blanket of snow? or are you ready for spring flowers? I think I could go for one more snow day. But please keep it in February. I don’t want them messing with the Cherry Blossoms again like it did last year.

My camera settings for this image is F7.1 at 1/125th of a second at ISO 100 with my Canon 5D Mark II and 24-105mm lens. LOL I told you this was an older image. You know because I shot this on my Canon.

Which is funny because recently I’ve had quite a few people asking me about switching camera brands. To be honest, I love my Sony and I can’t imagine ever going back to Canon. No offense to Canon but that camera is just a beast. Its so big and bulky and after a while it just got to be too much to carry around on my back. I’m so happy with Sony. I love how easy and free I feel with my camera now. I really can’t imagine shooting with any other camera other than a mirrorless one. I’m hooked!

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Before we left to Orlando, I had an itchy throat. I spent most of last week in bed when we got back. I’m not sure if it was the flu or not. We don’t actually own a thermometer but it was horrible to say the least. I have no idea what happened last Tuesday because I slept through it all. But I started to feel a lot better on Saturday and even better on Sunday. Funny how I was good to go by the weekend 🙂

Anyways, we got some pretty decent snow on Saturday. It didn’t stick for too long but I knew I wanted to go out on Sunday morning to shoot the sunrise. Usually when we get crazy weather like we did on Saturday, the sunrise on the next day will be just as crazy. And it was!!! It felt so good to be outside again. I met up with my friend, Birch and spent the morning walking around the Lincoln Memorial and National Mall.

It was sort of foggy and hazy but it was going in and out as well. I don’t know, its really hard to describe because it was weather like I’ve never seen before. But if I had to use one word to describe it, I’d call it “beautifuuullll” because it created this amazing glow. The best of the best glow was down the line of trees that run along side the Reflecting Pool. I love how it enclosed all the light at the end of the “tunnel”. I also really like how the World War II memorial is at the end of this walkway but you can barely make it out. Seriously this city looks so different everyday.

My camera settings for this image is F5.6 at 1/100th of a second and ISO 200 with my Sony A7II and Birch’s 70-200mm lens because I didn’t have mine with me 🙂

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Here’s a crazy example of how foggy the Tidal Basin can actually get on any given winter morning. I mean come on! You can barely see anything in this image which I think makes it pretty cool. Its like you have to look really deep and kind of know what you’re looking at in order to make any sense of it. If I didn’t tell you, would you have even known? The most interesting part to me is that you can still see a slight hint of the Washington Monument’s reflection but I love the fact that you can see the rain drops in the water. Look at the bottom right hand corner. I love that trail of drops leading to the Monument. It must be something special if you can capture fog and rain all in the same image.

Here’s what it would usually look like if it weren’t foggy.

My camera settings for this image is F4.5 at ISO 320 at 1/640th of a second with my Sony A7II and 16-35mm wide angle handheld. As far as editing, I didn’t do much. I upped the contrast a bit just so you can see the monuments a little bit better and that’s pretty much it! Full on color image of what it looked like that one special Sunday morning.

PS Sorry not sorry there have been so many fog pictures lately. I love shooting the fog and the mood it brings. But I feel like 2018 has been especially foggy for me for some reason. I’ve never had so many wonderful opportunities to shoot in the weather and I’m taking full advantage! I just hope we get more days like this during cherry blossom season like we did that one time last year. That was seriously one of the best days ever. This is probably a close second <3

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I almost forgot I had this one.

When I have a really good photo day like I did this day, I tend to go home really excited about my images and process a bunch at a time. No rhyme or reason to any of it. Sometimes they make it to social media, sometimes they just live on my desktop for however long. I don’t know, it’s just a photoshop partay and everyone is invited. LOL

See some of the other images from this day here and here.

So I can’t believe I forgot about it. I think this image turned out really cool and I love the mood that it captures. The fog was low and intense this day. I think the bare trees just add to the entire vibe and I love it. I don’t know if I would have been able to capture it if I weren’t walking around that day with my friend, Birch. We walked a lot but we also walked around in areas that I don’t usually go. So seeing this new perspective definietly inspired me. My favorite part is the touch of color you see in the grass. What’s crazy is that 99.9% of my images are in color. Even the ones I posted last week. All color, no black and white.

On a totally random side note, I’m obsessed with this song now. It’s on Justin Timberlake’s new album and it features one of my favorite singers of all time, Alicia Keys. The song is called “Morning Light” and it totally gives off this warm, easy, bob your head kind of mood. I love it. Download it. You won’t regret it. I promise.

My camera settings for this image is F5.6 at 1/250th of a second at ISO 320 with my Sony A7II on my 28-70mm.

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Like I said yesterday, the fog that we had over the weekend was RIDICULOUS. And what was even weirder was the fact that it was raining while it was still so foggy out. I thought with the rain coming down that it will make the fog disappear. If you look closely at this image, you can even see the water droplets in the water. But no. At times it seemed like it got even foggier. We had a good 2 hours worth of this moody weather to photograph and I loved every minute of it. I was so excited to hear about it that I left the house without a jacket. Luckily I had a beanie in the car or else I would have been really out of luck. Thanks again to my my friend, Birch for telling me about it as it was happening.

I think my favorite part of this image is something I did unintentionally. If you look at the very right of the image there’s a tree bending like it’s trying to leave the image. I love how the person with the umbrella lines up directly with that tree trunk. I don’t know if anyone else wold notice it but I love that little detail that just accidentally happened.

Birch and I were talking about something unrelated to the scene that was happening in front of us but we were both shooting it at exactly the same time. As that person turned the corner, we stopped what we were doing and saying, looked at each other and said “that was awesome” like we both knew we got the shot! AHHH I LOVE IT WHEN THAT HAPPENS!

My camera settings for this image is F4.5 at 1/400th of a second at ISO 320 with my Sony A7II and my 16-35mm wide angle lens handheld.