Kenilworth aquatic gardens is definietly a hidden gem in the DC area. Every time I show my friends images from here they’re super surprised that I took this in DC AND in Anacostia of all places, which is exactly known as the safest area in DC. But I’m so glad summer flower season is here. They’re one of my favorites!
water lilies
When I’m lucky, I get more than a few images out of a place I visit. Back in June, I visited the Kenilworth Aquatic Garden (seen here and here) but I don’t feel right blogging all the images all at the same time. I feel like you all may get bored by seeing similar images all within a few days of each other. What do you think? So I decided I could at least spread them out a bit and keep it exciting. Exciting right?!?
These water lilies only bloom once a year. The same thing goes with McKee-Besher’s sunflower field. I need to learn to visit these places more than once during their peak. I want to keep going and really study these flowers and get the perfect sky. I say that I need to learn and it may be kinda obvious to others, but for some reason, I feel like once is enough. I think this is because I do that with a lot of the DC monuments.
Did you notice the bee? I think thats my favorite part of the image.
Hi Everyone!
Philadelphia for the weekend was so much fun. Check out some clips of the city of brotherly love:
Here are some of the final images:
Philadelphia City Hall at Night
Swann Memorial Fountain
Philadelphia Skyline at Night
Now that I’m home, I kinda missed going to the National Mall, so here’s the Jefferson Memorial Interior.
Finally, the Kenilworth Water Lilies have bloomed.
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Finally, the water lilies have bloomed. I’ve been waiting for this day for two months now and I can’t believe how tall they are. They were probably up to my elbow. I always thought water lilies were just above the water surface. Is that just a different breed?
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