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I remember the exact time when I took this image. We were on our way to get some afternoon tea and macarons. Actually, the afternoon tea part was a happy accident. We intended to take some macarons to-go but when we walked through the door we saw everyone sitting and enjoying tea in this beautifully decorated space. So of course I squealed and asked Andrew if we could sit and have some tea too. He couldn’t say no but after 10 minutes into it we looked around and noticed he was the only guy in the whole restaurant. HAHA! It wasn’t until we left did we find the side entrance where you could get your macarons to-go šŸ™‚ Oh well, it was des tonnes de plaisir.

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I thought of another story from Taiwan!

One morning my mom and I were walking through an university. I can’t think of the name now or how we ended up there but it was a beautiful campus and we stumbled upon a couple of graduates. They were standing in front of this beautiful building, all lined up in their caps and gowns waiting for their picture to be taken. So I stood there to watch the photographer in action. Isn’t that what everyone does? We like to watch a group of people get their picture taken? Or is that just me? Anyways, the photographer gets behind his camera, looks through the viewfinder and goes “Aaaaa…. Bbbbbb….” and all the college graduates go “Ccccccc…..”

HAHA I’d never heard that before and thought it was hilarious!

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I know Ive said it before but I’ll say it again that it feels good to be home. The past week I spent a lot of time editing photos and just resting. I’m pretty sure I slept more this past week than I have this past month.

Here are 3 things I was grateful for:

  1. My bed- although I don’t remember this ever happening beforeĀ 
  2. Catching up with my Arcanum cohort and welcoming a new apprentice!
  3. Spending time working on my Taiwan photos like this one- a typical scene of Taipei streets.

Have a great weekend <3

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Have you ever been to Clarion Alley in the Mission District in San Francisco? Talk about beautiful, inspirational and a place that I want to go back to again and again.

While we were walking through the alley and admiring the pieces, one of the local artists came up to us and started chatting us up about the mural project. Turns out thatĀ all the different murals are artists views of political and social issues and no other alley in the Mission district has that kind of distinction. Pretty freakin’ cool if you ask me.

So I guessĀ this is a representation of our current social society.

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I stopped to take a picture of this restaurant. It was so cute with the flowers in the windows. That’s what I remember most about Florence. The atmosphere and the feeling that you’re in a different century. Then a guy that looks a little bit like Anthony Bourdain zooms by and you can’t help but smile at the playback.