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Would I go on a road trip like this again? Absolutely. It was such an amazing time but really hard to describe. Everyday was packed with adventure and new things to do. Yes, it was exhausting but it was so much fun.

Since I’ve been back, a lot of friends have asked me how Sue and I didn’t kill each other after being in a car together for 10 days. I told them that it wasn’t bad because we just listened to a lot of audiobooks. We listened to ‘Modern Romance’ by Aziz Ansari  and ‘I Can’t Make This Up: Life Lessons’ by Kevin Hart. Both are read by the author and both are hilarious. Although, I’m partial to the Kevin Hart book because it was more about his life and how he became such a positive person with a humongous work ethic. To be honest, I wasn’t that big of a Kevin Hart fan before, but now I am. So much respect for him.

And while Sue was sleeping in the car and I had full control over the radio, I’d listen to the classic book: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Its probably my 3rd or 4th time listening to it but it never gets old. I always learn something new whenever I listen to it. I think its because every time I listen to it, I’m at a new stage in my life and new principles apply to me. So if you’re looking for book recommendations, check out the Secret. If you’ve already read that or not interested, check out ‘I Can’t Make This Up’. It’s hilarious and the stories are really entertaining. You won’t be disappointed.

Also along the drive, we made stops in the middle of the road multiple times so I could take pictures like this one. That made for some exciting times 🙂 This was on the way to Tent Rocks. A beautiful place with a scenic drive.

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I drive a coupe and those tires are horrible in the snow. I’m slippin’ and sliding all through my neighborhood so getting to DC would be terrible. So on snow days like this, I take the metro. It’s super convient because I live walking distance to a stop. But I never ride it more than when it’s absolutely necessary. I don’t know it’s just so much easier to hop in my car and drive myself. No waiting, no worrying about metro delays (cuz theres a lot!). This is the view you get when you get off of Foggy Bottom and walk towards the Lincoln Memorial.

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You know you’re a tourist when you drive all the way to the summit of Haleakala National Park in a tshirt and shorts. Man! It is so windy and cold up there, I couldn’t do it. So this was taken on the second time going up when we had more appropriate clothing for the park.

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I love how Europeans travel on bikes. It’s definitely not like where I live in Virginia where everyone is in a car. You hardly see anyone on bikes. But in Paris, you see people coming home from work or going to the grocery store on them. It’s such great exercise and great for the environment. It makes me want to bust out my bike but I haven’t actually ridden one since middle school.