
I had been debating whether or not I wanted to put my chameleons pics on this site. My chameleons images are special to me, so special that they are on an entirely different site, HDR Chameleons. But, when it came down to it, there wasn’t really a good reason not to put them up here, so here ya go, a brand new photo category in my gallery. Hope you all look around and find something unique to macro photography.  Also, be sure to keep checking back.  I plan on adding a lot more to this site and HDR Chameleons.

Here’s a little looksie:

Here are 5 facts you may not know about me as a photographer.

1. I was the photo editor of my high school year book, which automatically made me president of our high school photo club 🙂

2. I worked as an intern for DC’s Smithsonian Natural History museum in the photo department for spring-summer 2001.

3. I have little puppy stickers on the back of my memory cards so I can keep them organized. (don’t hate)

4. My college job was a sales associate for Ritz Camera. It was awesome because I got discounts on EVERYTHING and knew about the latest technology.

5. I try to bring Frankie with me as much as I can when I go shooting. He gets fresh air and has fun playing outside.

As some of you may know, I also take pictures of panther chameleons.
(Let me know if you guys would like me to go into further detail about this)

My other website, www.hdrchameleons.com, just released our 2011 HDR Chameleon Calendar. It’s our most detailed, colorful, & exciting calendar to date.

Here’s the cover:

To see more, click here!

Can you believe it’s almost 2011? I still can’t!

Thank you so much to Bob R. who let us come into his office and snap this photo of his wall.
Executive office, decor, interior design - Angela B. Pan Photography

This was the first time I had ever seen so many of my pictures framed and hung up. It’s hard to describe the feeling of when I first saw it. It was kinda surreal, like “WOW, I can’t believe my work is up there right now!” It felt like a dream that I didn’t want to stop looking at.

Thanks again, Bob!
Images displayed (from L-R) : Golden Sunrise, Blue Monument, Iwo Jima, Napa Sunrise, Big Sur Sunset, and Pfieffer Beach.

Thank you SO much to everybody that liked my group on Facebook!   I really appreciate the support 🙂

If you’re reading this now, you’re reading this on my new website!!  I’m so excited about it!  So please, feel free to take a look around.

To show my appreciation for all the likes on Facebook and my excitement about the new website, I’m giving away a coupon for 25% off any picture.

Just enter the coupon code FBLOCT1025 during checkout and you’ll automatically receive 25% off!  Hurry because this code is only valid until 10/31/2010.

Now for the news you’ve all been waiting for…

Yesterday was the last day of my contest and www.random.org selected random #17 as the lucky winner.  So the 17th person who liked my group is…… Caroline Chien!!  Congrats Caroline!  I’ll be messaging you shortly for your contact info and your favorite picture.

For everybody else that did not win, browse our store and take advantage of the 25% off coupon.  Thanks again!