To be honest, I’m not really a spooky type of person. LOL. I don’t like scary movies or going to haunted houses. I prefer funny movies and pumpkin flavored treats. I’m more into the holiday for the chocolates and dressing up. But I also think Halloween is fun because it’s sort of the unofficial kick-off to the holiday season for me. And I’m all about the other holidays! 🙂
This is probably as spooky as I’m going to get. LOL. A nice orangey sunset at the WWII memorial on the National Mall. Taken at the same time I captured this image, I just love the reflection of the sky.
So if you do go out tonight, I hope you have a fun and safe Halloween! Save some Crunch bars for me!
My camera settings for this image are f4.5 at 1/60th sec and ISO 250 with my Sony A7II and 16-35mm.
In this workshop, you’ll hear stories behind their photos from the front lines of documenting both everyday life and historic moments of 2020. Learn specific methods for using your camera as a tool to observe the changing world around you, create moments of presence, process emotion, and give yourself permission to try new things behind the lens.
Visualize & Prepare
Before you even pick up your camera envision the type of photographs you want to take. Be aware of your mindset. Hype yourself up for a great photo session. Photo by Birch
Remain Present
Eliminate distractions to heighten all of your senses. Start to observe your environment and notice the changes in your surroundings as you walk around. Photo by AngelaÂ
Follow Your Intuition
Let your instincts lead the way. Photo by Birch
Choose Your Background
Find a location that speaks to you and frame the scene. Sometimes you choose your background first and wait for a subject to enter the frame. Photo by Angela
Anticipate the Decisive Moment
Position yourself to capture the split second that tells a story. Observe life through the viewfinder and let the moment unfold in front of you. Photo by Birch
Wide vs Details. Establish the scene with wide shots or develop intimacy with close-ups. Photos by AngelaÂ
Ask Yourself, What Caught My Eye?
Find a way to let the viewer feel what you felt at that moment. This is what caught my eye…Â
This is the photo I created to combine the two things that caught my eye. Photos by Birch
The Emotional Connection
Capture the energy you observe in others. How does the photo make you feel? Photo by Angela
Human Moments
Co-create mutual connections to capture memorable portraits. The type of energy you give is the energy you receive. Photo by Birch
We all feel it. Push through. You will thank yourself later. Photo by Angela
Familiar Subject, Fresh Perspective.
Move your body to find new perspectives. Get low or try a different angle with your camera. Photo by Birch
When All Else Fails, Follow The Light.
Photo by Angela
Thanks again to Birch and Angela for putting together the workshop and creating these tips. We hope you use these tips and give yourself permission to try something new.
Here’s a pretty cool point of view of the Bay Bridge at night. It’s up in Yerba Buena and not at all sketchy to drive on a super winding road, climb through a fence while the people behind you are smoking weed just to get the shot 😉