Since I’m scheduling these photos ahead of time, I thought I’d look back on my last trip from when I was in Washington State. Sometimes I find it better to let the photos sit for a while before post processing them. It gives me new eyes on the images and I have a clearer head as to where I want them to go. I LOVE the deep colors in this one.
By the time you’re reading this I’ll already be in Paris! My second time visiting the city but I don’t remember much since the first time I was here was more than 10 years ago. I’m so excited to be exploring a new city and culture. Be sure to follow me on instagram. I’m sure I’ll be posting a lot of pics on there.
For a few days we stayed in Camano Island. A little closer to the tulip festival than Seattle was plus we found this cute air bnb with a great host. But the best part about it was that it was so close to the water. One night before heading out to dinner, Kelly and I noticed the gorgeous sky. It had been raining for most of the afternoon and finally broke up right before the sun went down. This was taken by the Camano Island Yacht Club.
So we made it to the tulip fields a little too late. Most of the tulips had already been harvested and all that were left were ones that were in Roozengaarde. Some were even wilting a little bit but I thought it was beautiful in its own way. They opened up so much more and you could really examine their insides. They also created these bigger and fuller shapes which made for a beautiful pov from the top.
Home from Washington State! I had a great time exploring the Pacific Northwest with my friend, Kelly.
But seriously, who knew it was so windy there? It made it difficult to get the close up, detailed shots I originally intended for. So I rolled with the punches and tried something different.