
angela b. pan, abpan, hdr, travel, virginia, great falls, sunrise, landscape, winter, colorful sky

I left my house early in the morning and still really dark but cloudy. I got kinda worried that I wouldn’t see a good sunrise. So, driving to Great Falls it was still pretty dark until I got to the parking lot. I literally jumped a little in my seat because I finally saw color in the sky and got so excited. I ran out of the car and walked as fast as I could to my favorite spot in the park. I set up my tripod but had difficulty capturing the color in the sky. After playing with my white balance I finally got it. I had to change it a few times between shade and flash but I think it turned out so well.

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macro, close up, feathers, droplets, nature, angela b. pan, abpan, hdr, virginia

From far away I think this looks like an angel.

Walking around Meadowlark Gardens I found these unusually feathery things. I couldn’t even tell you what they are, but I loved all the water droplets ont hem and all the lines it created. You gotta pay close attention to your surroundings to get an image like this.

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Hi Everyone!
Hope you’re enjoying the weekend. I know I am cuz its my little puppies’ second birthday. We’re going to go to the pet store and get him an extra special treat 🙂

I’m back from Miami and it was AMAZING! I went for a marketing conference that didn’t leave me much time to take pics, but I managed to get a few sunrises and night shots in. Hope you enjoy. Vlog coming really soon!

Here are the images from the past week:
I met up with new friends, Scott, Kim and Bruce to take this shot of downtown Miami. Just a few moments before this shot was taken, I took this shot of same scene at sunset.
We were really lucky that just outside of our hotel we would get this amazing sunrises, like this one and this one.
Our last night there we just had to go to South Beach.

Hope you all enjoy these sunny pics.

Taken at the same time as this image. Thanks again to Scott and Kim for taking me here. It’s funny cuz I thought this sunset was pretty amazing. You got the color and the clouds. What more could you ask for? When I told Scott my impressions of the sunset he started laughing a bit. He said that he’d seen better. Guess I gotta get out a little more often. HA!

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