If you subscribe to my newsletter then you would know that my latest obsession has been my new photo scanner.
What started off as my mom telling me to clean out my old room in my parents’ house now has turned into this side project of collecting old prints and scanning them. Currently, I’m almost done organizing my high school/college pictures and it’s so interesting to see the similarities of my photo work from then to now.
The image above was captured in Taiwan in 2004.
Sunset parade in Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial by the Marine Barracks
This image was captured at the Lincoln Memorial in 2019. I hadn’t seen the image from Taiwan in over 10 years. I can’t believe the similarities!
It’s also so rewarding having all these images organized and in one place. I love the idea of cleaning out all these prints and making them digital just so I don’t have to worry about a lot of clutter. I’m much more inclined to look at these old images on my phone or computer rather than pulling out old photo albums and looking at them.
So if you haven’t already, you should definitely subscribe to my newsletter too. I try my best to share as much fresh content in the newsletters before I publish them to my blog or social media.
The image from 2019’s camera settings is F6.3 at 1/320th sec and ISO 500 with my Sony A7II and 70-200mm zoom lens. I have no idea about the 2004 image.