Have you ever been super jeeping? Well, before Iceland, neither had I. Basically you’re off-roading in these huge jeeps through Icleandic mountains. How cool is that? Literally cool because it is soo freaking windy on top. I had to hold my tripod really tight to make sure it didn’t fly away.
By the way, if you’re looking to go super jeeping or experience some other amazing Icelandic adventures, check out South Iceland Adventure and tell them I sent ya 🙂
How was your weekend? Mine was great. I got to do a little peach picking in Delaplane, VA and it was a great time! Luckily, there was a storm coming so it wasn’t crazy hot but it cut our time peach picking time short. It’s ok though, we got 2 bags full of amazing, juicy peaches 🙂
Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. Hope everyone has a beautiful Memorial Day weekend!!
A beautiful place to sit, talk, think, or do anything really!