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So I was looking at my instagram and noticed that a lot of my recent pictures have been very blue. Not that theres anything wrong with blue. Blue is my favorite color but I felt like I needed more variety. I went digging through my spring images and this is what I came up with! Haha. Not very colorful but I love the line. The more I look at it the more I see different shapes and figures. At one point of processing I think I crossed my eyes so much that I kinda saw a woman standing there. Do you see it or am I going crazy staring at the computer screen?

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It’s so fun to concentrate on the small things. Things you’d normally just walk past or most likely never notice. This little grasshopper guy was just hanging out on this flower stem, drinking water and minding it’s own business. It was pretty cool because he didn’t hop away and just stayed there posing for me.

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The other day I was out in the city waiting for the sun to set when I stumbled onto these red plants in the Tulip Library. Actually I don’t know if they would be considered plants or flowers. Either way, I thought they were gorgeous. The whole time I was editing this picture I kept on thinking, ‘if this were a wrapping paper, I’d totally wrap all my christmas presents in this print’.

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It’s back-to-school time and I don’t know about you, but I’m sooo glad I’m not in school anymore. I never really liked it and I was never that good at it either. I just don’t think my heart was ever that into it.

It’s weird though. The parts that I hated most about school was reading, running the mile and waking up early. All of which I do now as an adult and all on my own… What does that mean?!

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A few weeks ago I went to Green Springs Garden from the recommendation of my friend, Daniela. I was so surprised to see these water lilies because they were so tall. They were almost as tall as me. The flowers were also kinda clumped in the middle of the water so it was hard to get close. I tried my best to step on rocks and things to get closer but if you were an observer watching me you would of seen this dark haired girl wobbling all over the place. In my head, I thought I was being aggressive in getting the shot I needed but in reality I probably looked a little drunk.