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I was suppperrrr jet lagged when we came back from Japan. I’d wake up around 4a everyday not knowing what to do. Usually I’d just lay in bed for a few hours hoping to fall back to sleep but one morning I decided to get up and check out the scene at the tidal basin. The cherry blossoms were peaking while we were gone, so I’m glad to have captured just the last bit of them before they all went away.

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Have you seen the movie, “Inside Out”? Andrew and I watched it a few weeks ago and have been recommending it to friends ever since. Its so fun to watch. I think everyone could relate to at least one of the characters in the movie. I relate most to Joy. The one who’s always in a super good mood and always tries to see the positive side to things. It also helped me realize that you can decide which emotion carries you in life and it’s a forever changing thing. If anger is your day today, it doesn’t have to be tomorrow.

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I’m one of those annoying people who always forgets to bring their headphones so I start blasting my music from my iPhone while I’m out taking pictures. I’m like a walking boombox! So a lot of the times if you hear some Beyonce playing, it’s probably me. #hotlinebling

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Over the weekend Andrew and I took our nephews to Kings Dominion. It was tons of fun! We rode rollercoasters, played a few games, and even ate french fries for lunch AND dinner. My favorite rides are the ones that go upside down and I think it’s so fun to scream on the top of my lungs. By the end of the night my throat was hurting.

I have no idea what that has to do with this picture but I took this last night by the US Capitol.