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Do you have Amazon Prime? If you do, you definietly have to check out Shorebreak: The Clark Little Story. It was so inspiring.

First of all, I didn’t even know Clark Little had a amazon prime movie out so I was surprised to see it being suggested. Second of all, I’ve never heard Clark Little talk before. It was so fun to hear his Hawaiian accent. And then I had no idea what he was saying when he was talking to other locals in the film. HAHA so cool!

Last but not least, man those shorebreaks are REDONKULOUS! Yes, I’ve been following his work for years but seeing on video of what he has to go through to capture those images takes it to a whole new level. I remember when I first saw his photography, I was so blown away that I couldn’t stop looking at his work all night. I googled everything I could about Clark Little and was just so impressed from the very beginning. If you remember this youtube video I created, I mentioned how he inspired me. But seeing it from his point of view or even seeing it from above with all the drone footage, man I don’t even know. The whole movie was just so inspiring and beautiful. Even if you don’t like photography that much and you have an appreciate for just nature or anything beautiful, you have to watch it. Watch it, then come back to this blog post and tell me how much you loved it because I know you will!

So this image is not of the north shore where Clark takes his photos. It’s in Kauai. When we visited Oahu a couple of years ago, we were there during a surf competition. We tried to go but the beach was so packed and hardly any parking so we skipped it. But after watching that amazon prime movie, it makes me want to go back. Like now.

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Do you remember earlier this year when I posted this picture?

It was taken on January 4th around 8a. I woke up early that morning to take sunrise images hoping for fog but didn’t see it. The sun rose and feeling a little discouraged, I walked back to my car. All of the sudden the sun light changed. I turned around and the fog I had hoped for appeared! I was already on my way home so the closest and easiest place for me to park and capture this was at the Tidal Basin. I ran like a mad woman with my camera bag and tripod. You probably saw my hair flipping up and down from a mile away. I didn’t care because it was totally worth it. First off, it was an incredibly beautiful morning. The weather was spring like temperatures in the middle of winter. When there were breaks in the fog, you could see that the sky was very blue. I’ve seen fog cover the Washington Monument before but never like this. Never with the little peak-a-boo of the tip of the monument and never with such blue skies. I stuck around for almost an hour trying to capture both the Washington Monument and Jefferson memorial with this fog. Its a morning that’d be hard to forget.
This is the non-cropped version of the first image I posted. So no, I wasn’t standing at the old post office. I wasn’t on an airplane. I wasn’t flying a drone. Just some good ol fashion photoshopping 🙂 Well, exciting news!!! Washingtonian has put this image in their March 2017 issue! How amazing is that! Its out on news stands now so I bought one for myself and 1 for my grandma, 1 for my mom, and basically every copy that I can find. So if you don’t actually see the issue in your grocery store then you know that I’ve been there.