arlington cemetery

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I had so much fun this past Saturday walking around Arlington Cemetery. It was a super nice day, very cool with a little breeze. The perfect excuse to be outside and doing what you love. I remember visiting the cemetery last year towards the end of the color change and making a mental note to be back again. Glad that Jay, Manny, Joe (and his wife and daughter), and Eric were able to join me. They are some local Arcanum photographers who were awesome enough to meet up on this last minute photo adventure. Here’s a picture of us by the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. For some reason I felt the need to leave the tripod in the shot. HAHA.

arcanum, meet up, photowalk, photographers, photo, arlington, va, virginia




Saturday night, I went out with Andrew and Frankie to take sunset pictures. Unfortunately, it was way too cloudy to see any kind of color so we packed up and headed home. Andrew was driving and I gave him the wrong directions by mistake. We ended up near the Memorial Bridge and saw this huge storm cloud. I immediately told him to pull over so I could run out with my camera and tripod.