
All photos available for print and licensing >

Yesterday was kind of a rainy and dark day, so what better way to spend the day than with one of my best friends and her 2 week old baby boy. We just hung out and talked while I was cuddling with the baby. He’s the sweetest and cutest thing ever. I didn’t want to leave but around 5p I started getting texts from Andrew about dinner. It was perfect timing because the fog had just started to roll in. I could barely see anything but the lights from the Capital Ferris wheel. So I had to call Andrew and tell him dinner plans will be delayed and U-turned immediately. Good thing I’m a prepared photographer and had my camera with me 🙂

All photos available for print and licensing >

It’s back-to-school time and I don’t know about you, but I’m sooo glad I’m not in school anymore. I never really liked it and I was never that good at it either. I just don’t think my heart was ever that into it.

It’s weird though. The parts that I hated most about school was reading, running the mile and waking up early. All of which I do now as an adult and all on my own… What does that mean?!