With all the rain and wind we’ve been getting the past couple of weeks, the tulips aren’t holding on as well as I thought they would be. It’s ok though because imperfection is just as beautiful.
With all the rain and wind we’ve been getting the past couple of weeks, the tulips aren’t holding on as well as I thought they would be. It’s ok though because imperfection is just as beautiful.
So theres no hope for any of these, huh? So weird to have such a warm Christmas this year. 73 degrees! This must be what it’s like to have Christmas down under, eh?
It’s so fun to concentrate on the small things. Things you’d normally just walk past or most likely never notice. This little grasshopper guy was just hanging out on this flower stem, drinking water and minding it’s own business. It was pretty cool because he didn’t hop away and just stayed there posing for me.
It’s back-to-school time and I don’t know about you, but I’m sooo glad I’m not in school anymore. I never really liked it and I was never that good at it either. I just don’t think my heart was ever that into it.
It’s weird though. The parts that I hated most about school was reading, running the mile and waking up early. All of which I do now as an adult and all on my own… What does that mean?!
I honestly don’t remember taking this picture. It was taken sometime in 2010 when I was going to Meadowlark Botanical Gardens a lot to practice my macro photography work. Personally, I think macro photography is a completely different way of seeing. Seeing and noticing little details that you would never notice just walking by. But when you stop and study what you’re looking at, you have to learn to subtract to make an even better image with the small details.
On one of the only days it was sunny out during the Cherry Blossom festival